Ombudsman Program

What does an Ombudsman Do?
Who uses an Ombudsman?
- Provides information to residents and family about rights, procedures and additional resources within the facility or community.
Investigates concerns and works to resolve issues that may involve a resident in a long-term care facility.
Offers consumer education programs and carries out training for facility staff.
Assists in the development of resident and family councils.
Residents or potential residents of long-term care facilities, as well as individuals receiving services from community and adult day care
Long-term care residents’ friends or family
Long-term care administrators and agencies
Members of community groups and government agencies
Citizens who want to improve long-term care
Residents of long-term care facilities have numerous rights under federal and state laws, including:
Right to know and exercise your rights.
Right to know about services and financial charges.
Right to be consulted in planning your medical treatment.
Right to decline medical treatment
- Right to confidentiality of records
Right to privacy in treatment and care
Right to freedom from restraints
Right to express grievances without fear of retaliation
Rights pertaining to admission, transfers, and discharges, including the right to appeal

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