About Us
B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Your local Area Agency on Aging is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization whose emphasis is to provide information, guidance, resources and services designed to help older adults age 60 and older to live independently in their home and local community. We are one stop shop and friendly face for information and connecting individuals to community supports and services. Our friendly staff assist with the completion of applications, forms and other state and local services and resources.
We host Active Living Centers across Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, and Tioga Counties. Adults 60 and over are warmly invited for social and recreational activities, and lunch with friends.
The B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. is funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging; AmeriCorps; the United Way of Bradford County; the Lycoming County United Way serving Lycoming, Sullivan & Tioga Counties; the United Way of Susquehanna County; and the Tioga Downs Regional Community Foundation.
Advisory Board

Back row left to right: Roger Bunn, Roger Lathrop, Lauren Edkin, Jason Krise, Chris Desrochers and Daryl Miller.
Front row left to right: Wylie Norton, Deb Cuda, Denise Ives and Sue Sticklin